When you’re shopping for cleaning products for your home, do you read the labels? Here are reasons why it’s so important to read the labels and the use of green cleaning products.
According to an article at thesudburystar.com, “What’s Really in Your Cleaning Products?”
“The bald guy with the big biceps, the toilet duck or those cute little scrubbing bubbles, might be the perfect sidekicks in keeping your home sparkling clean, but when it comes to the effects on human health and the environment, many household cleaning products are hiding dirty little secrets. Pun intended.
Most consumers are not aware of the risks many popular cleaning products pose to our current and long-term health, our pets and the world we live in.
Even when considering the known hazard symbols on products (poison, corrosive or irritant), one has to wonder, and do I really need to use a chemical this harsh? Do I really want to leave a disk in my toilet or put something down my drain that’s fatal if swallowed? Is it really necessary to clean my floors with a product that releases an aerosol that can inflame and irritate my lungs? Holy moly, I’m looking to get rid of soap scum and dust bunnies, not engage in biological warfare.
Many of the products we use regularly, such as certain multi-surface cleaners, stain removers, toilet bowl and oven cleaners, contain ingredients that are banned in the European Union. The Canadian Medical Association has also called for a ban on certain antibacterial agents used in popular dish soaps and disinfectants.” To read the entire article click here.
For quality Reno Nevada house cleaning services contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com for a cleaning quote.