Does your home look like a tornado has paid a visit? If you’re in need of some organization in your home, here are some helpful tips to get you started.
According to an article at, “How to Get the Clutter Under Control”
“If you are one of those people who are not well-known for their well-kept home or office space, then you must have definitely heard a lot of comments about it from your friends and co workers. A cluttered home or office not only gives you the label of being disorganized and untidy, it also makes you lose valuable time in searching for things. Another downside of having too much clutter around you is that it becomes difficult for you to work efficiently. Learn how to organize clutter to have a well-balanced and clean home. A cluttered space is also bad Feng Shui wise and it attracts a lot of restlessness and negative energy. If you are prone to hoarding things which leads to clutter, then it might hint at some underlying insecurity and an inability to let go of things. Whatever the reason might me, it is absolutely vital to clear your clutter so that you can have a neat space to live and work in.
Tips for Decluttering your Home
If you want to know how to declutter your home, it makes sense to start with one room at a time. If you are thinking of decluttering all the rooms in a single day, let me warn you that it is not going to happen. It is better to do a thorough job by cleaning and organizing one room each day.
Tips for Decluttering Bedroom
The best place to start decluttering is with your bedroom closet. Learn how to organize your closet by taking stock of all the clothes, shoes and accessories that you have stuffed it with from so many years. Assign three big baskets or bins and label them as ‘keep’,’toss’, ‘repair’. Now remove all the clothing from the closet and put all the stuff in the ‘toss’ bin for those clothes that no longer fit you, are out of fashion or are severely damaged. If there are any favorite items of clothing that needs dry cleaning or alterations, just put it in the ‘repair’ bin. You need to be unemotional and objective while doing this and please do not try to cheat. Put all your good clothes in the ‘keep’ bin.
Items like junk jewelry, shoes that are out of style and no longer fit, undergarments you no longer use, should also be put in the toss bin. Don’t hold on to something just because you think that it might come in fashion again someday.” To read the entire article click here.
For your house cleaning leave it to the professionals contact White Lotus cleaning service at 775-525-8100 or visit