No wants a house full of dust. Are constantly trying to keep the dust at a minimal? Let’s take a look at ways to decrease dust in the home.
According to an article at, “Maintaining the Dust in Your Home”
“Steps to Keep Dust Out of Home:
1. Gather Dust, Don’t Spread It: When you use dusters to spank or blow dust from your furniture, you are actually merely redistributing dust. Any kind of agitation makes dust fly from one place and settle on another. It is much better for you to make a clean swipe with cloth dusters. That way, you will be collecting the dust instead of spreading it.
2. Keep the Shutters Shut: You cannot keep the doors and windows shut all the time just to avoid dust. But you can definitely keep the shutters down when you don’t need them. The lesser dust enters you house, the faster your speed cleaning will be.
3. Clean Horizontal Surfaces: You need to apply some common sense to know that it is easier for dust to settle on horizontal surfaces. The table tops, cabinets and bed sheets in your home accumulate dust. Always clean solid surfaces with a single swipe. The mattresses and couches will have to be cleaned by beating them outside your house.
4. Dirty Dreams on A Dusty Bed: You will be shocked by the amount of dust that is hidden inside the bed you sleep in. You need to change sheets weekly or bi-weekly depending upon the amount of dust in your area. Otherwise, it helps to dust the sheets and cushions on a regular basis to get rid of dust. Your bed and sofas are two definite places to clean as far as dust is concerned.” To read the entire article click here.
For exceptional Reno house cleaning service in the Reno area contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit