With all the festivities around the corner for the holidays; do you need a little more help with house cleaning in Reno Nevada? Here are tips that will help you choose the best house cleaning service.
How to Find the Best House Cleaning Service
According to an article from cleaning.networx.com,
“This alone takes much of the guesswork out of finding the right cleaning person or cleaning service. There are other important considerations to help you in making the right choice when it comes time for choosing a cleaning service. Here you will read five helpful tips to guide you through the process of finding a cleaning service or person that is right for you.
Helpful Tips for Choosing the Right Cleaning Service/Person
Tip 1: Interview more than one cleaning service or cleaning person.
Even if you think you have found the right cleaning service/person on the first interview, you should still consider interviewing at least one more candidate. You will be able to weigh the positive and negative attributes of each service/person and get a good feel for the best match for you. When interviewing, make sure you ask for references and find out how long the cleaner has been in business. It’s also important to actually check up on the references and to trust your instinct on whether the service/person is trustworthy.
Tip 2: Pay Attention to Body Language
Body language can tell a lot about a person. Is the person you are interviewing fidgety? Is he looking you in the eye? Does he seem comfortable speaking with you? If a person has mannerisms similar to those described here, it may be a sign of discomfort or even a sign of someone who is trying to hide something. Take note of these kinds of behaviors: It will help you get a better feel for the person you are interviewing.
Tip 3: Money – Discuss it All!
Discuss all aspects of money in clear detail including whether there are any special charges for the type of home you have. For example, do you live in a 3-story home or in a very large home? Will there be an extra charge for cleaning the basement? Does the cleaning service/person charge for transportation? The last thing you want to occur is to suddenly have a higher bill than you expected. Will you be paying weekly or monthly? What will the payment arrangement be? Make sure to find out pricing before you get started.
Tip 4: Make Your Expectations Clear
You are the boss of your home and you have the right to say how and what you want cleaned. After all, you are hiring a cleaning service/person to help you and it’s not a help if the cleaning is done improperly or not the way you wanted. You can avoid this situation by clearly describing your expectations upfront and stating exactly what you expect from the cleaning service/person. Make sure to clarify: Will you or the cleaning service provide the cleaning supplies? If the cleaner finishes early, will there be additional tasks given? Clearing everything up ahead of time will help avoid any misunderstandings between you and the cleaner.”
House Cleaning Service in Reno
White Lotus house cleaning service in Reno, NV has been the best cleaning company in town since 1991. For more information, contact us at (775)856-2345 or fill out the form below.